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Cloud Forest Farm
Ramana Callan
Middlesex, NY
The Farm
Cloud Forest Farm is a food forest plant nursery specializing in species and cultivars ideal for growing in Upstate NY. Inspired by Mark Shepard’s book Restoration Agriculture, I started the farm from home in the spring of 2022. I grow fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, and native perennials.
I have a variety of raspberry, blueberry, elderberry, cranberry, and strawberry cultivars selected for the Great Lakes Region. Hybrid hazelnuts and chestnuts as well. I also offer well-behaved non-natives such as Chicago hardy fig and honeyberry. Native perennials include anise hyssop, cardinal flower, columbine, phlox, blue flag iris, beebalm, and lobelia.
Growing Practices
I grow my plants outdoors without pesticides, herbicides, or synthetic fertilizers. I use limited plastic and water from a rainwater roof system.